Marine, Marina, Composites
$350 + GST
4 - 9 months
Customised learning plan
Associated Employers
Benefits of Launch it, School To Work
Schools are able to offer a wide range of opportunities to their learners and are assisted by a MAST Academy Transition Advisor to provide a learning plan for each learner.
By offering a wider range of opportunities and sharing the learning and assessment, retention and engagement of learners is higher.
Learners are able to complete credits using marine or composites industry unit standards, and those credits can also be credited towards a nationally recognised Level 4 industry qualification.
Learners gain valuable work experience and the opportunity to enter full-time employment and an apprenticeship at the end of the school year.
Learners gain practical skills in a workplace environment while completing NCEA qualifications.
Through industry participation, learners have a greater awareness of opportunities within the marine and composites industries.
The skills are in demand, valued and transferrable to other industries.
The Roles Explained
Coordinate and manage work experience on behalf of and in conjunction with the learner, school and employers.
Provide a support service to learners and employers with regular communication (this may include mentoring and discussing issues with employers relating to learners).
Provide assessment services to learners.
Report credits for Unit Standards to NZQA in a timely manner.
Register the Enrolment Application.
Provide the learner every opportunity to learn the skills in the agreed programme.
Ensure the learner has sufficient exposure to various areas of the company to gain skills.
Ensure the learner is trained to an accepted company and industry standard.
Nominate a trainer for learners, who will liaise with MAST Academy Transition Advisor in matters relating to the training needs of the learner.
Verify the learner's competence in the tasks undertaken for assessment.
Report learner absence from work to the MAST Academy Transition Advisor.
Facilitate learner attendance at the employer’s workplace on the agreed dates and times.
Report unexplained learner absence from school to the MAST Academy Transition Advisor.
Notify the MAST Academy Transition Advisor if the learner is considering withdrawing from Launch it, School to Work so that all reasonable steps can be taken to assist the learner and employer.
Learn the skills as outlined in the agreed Learning Plan for your chosen marine or composites qualification.
Demonstrate your achievement in competency of skills – by the quality of work to within accepted time frames and the ability to repeat the tasks which are employer verified.
Gain all the knowledge that supports the skills required.
Meet all of the requirements and complete all tasks in a timely and professional manner as requested by the employer.
Provide completed learning material to MAST Academy Transition Advisor for assessment.
Ensure that all evidence that supports your competency is outlined on the evidence sheet and signed by the company trainer/representative before presenting to MAST Academy for assessment.
Notify the MAST Academy Transition Advisor if you are having any problems with Launch it, School to Work, the employer or your school so that all reasonable steps can be taken to assist you.
What is the School To Work Pathway?
Launch it, School to Work is a funded programme where MAST Academy works with employers and schools to help create career pathways for Year 12 and 13 learners. This programme allows the learner to experience the marine or composites industries while still earning credits towards completion of NCEA qualifications.
MAST Academy matches a learner with a marine or composites employer and typically, selected learners will work on a part-time basis (usually 1 or 2 days per week – or as agreed by the school and employer) for all or part of the school year. Learners will work towards earning industry unit standard credits that will be awarded towards NCEA. Learners will attend school for the remaining days per week. MAST Academy will provide a learning plan for each learner and will assess and report credits gained in the workplace.